THE THIRD DIMENSION Here are the solutions to the 'Mandy Christmas challenge' puzzles on last months diskmag. Most of you seem to have been beaten by the challenge except for Mieke who managed to solve only the first puzzle because she does not know old english currency ( Mieke is from Holland ) and Mike Olive who managed to solve all of them.Congratulations Mike for getting them all right!.Feel free to chose Three free back issues or three PD disks of your choice .I managed to solve them all but then I had all the answers.Ha!.....Tony Solutions. ---------- Santa Puzzle: 1. Take the mouse and bird across the bridge and drop the bird. Return with the mouse. 2. Cross the bridge carrying the mouse and the cheese and drop the cheese. Keep hold of the mouse and return. 3. Drop the mouse and take the cat and the seed and cross the bridge. Drop the cat, get the bird and drop the seed. Return across the bridge with the bird. 4. Get the mouse and cross the bridge. Drop the mouse and the bird. The Farmer At The Market Puzzle: 19 horses œ95. 80 pigs œ 4. 1 cow œ 1 ÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ 100 œ100. The Brain Teaser: œ s d Boys name = Bob = 1 0 Girls name = Penny = 1 Pluto Venus Mars? = Three far things (!) = 3/4 Ill sea creature? = Sick Squid (!) = 6 0 0 A pig? = Guinea = 1 1 0 A weight? = Pound = 1 0 0 A form of transport? = Penny farthing = 11/4 A singer? = Tenor = 10 0 0 A leather worker? = Tanner = 6 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 18 2 9 Thanks to Mandy for supplying the brain teasers!